Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Eighteen and a half years ago, I held a baby girl to my chest, smelled her newborn smell, and whispered, "I don't think I could ever love a child more than I do this one." I was fairly sure that even if I had my own children, this tiny baby girl would continue to hold a special, special place.

So many changes have happened since 1992. Another niece and two nephews were born. I married and moved away. Families formed. Others split. And some things have remained the same. I still have no children of my own. And Cherokee continues to hold a special, special place.

Make no mistake. I truly, deeply love my other niece and nephews. I just haven't spent as much time with them. Didn't hold them when they were only days old.

This special girl is visiting me in Colorado for the week. We haven't seen each other in years and are awkwardly making steps to transition our relationship from distant Adult/Child mutual admiration to Adult/Adult friendship. It hasn't been as hard as an adjustment as I thought it might.

I hope this is the last "reconnection" we have to make and can just continue to be "connected".

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