Friday, April 27, 2012

Hungry Games

Excuse me while I giggle a little at the wittiness of my title.  ;)

My days have been linked with hours, even minutes, of hungry games lately.  I don't know what has happened, but my brain and my stomach have apparently joined forces to sabotage my weight loss goals.  I'm eating the correct amount of food, but find that I'm hungry about 15 minutes after I eat!  That's when I start the "games".

My first game is "Pinterest The Hunger On the Back Burner".  This game is super enjoyable and involves little skill.  I simply sit at my desk (far away from food) and sip flavored water while perusing the pages of Pinterest.  The second game is "Hide and Not Seek".  This particular game involves some pre-planning.  The goal is to not see any tempting food when I open the pantry door.  I've put the menacing snacks behind the cans of diced tomatoes and towering boxes of oatmeal.  The third game is simply named, "Carrot Land".  The strategy is to make my brain and stomach believe that if I can't handle the hunger for one more minute, the carrots in the fridge are my only option.  This game seems to work amazingly well.  The last game I play is called "Rolo Polo".  This option is only used as a last resort.  It involves remembering my goals, short and long term, and making a conscious decision not to feel like a Rolo Polo ever again.

Who says dieting isn't all fun and games?!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

God is God and I am Not

My close friends and family will undoubtedly nod in agreement when I say, "My mind is in a chaotic whirlwind right now."  I've journaled, prayed, daydreamed, and lain
awake at night thinking about the possible scenarios.  Unfortunately, nothing is settled and it's not public knowledge, so.....

You may be wondering why I even started this post in this ambiguous, cryptic, vague way.  Because that's how I'm feeling lately, that's why!  :)

I haven't posted much in the last few days because this non-public, undecided THING is forefront in my mind.   And to tell you the truth, I wouldn't know what to write about it because I don't know what's going to happen.....which leads me to the title of this post.  (Finally, huh?)

A quote I read recently stated, "To trust in God, you must also trust in His timing."  Of all the things I've learned about my Lord and Savior, this lesson alone has been the hardest.  I haven't mastered it, but He hasn't given up on me and continues to present me with life lessons designed to strengthen this area of trust.  I absolutely, without a doubt know that God is in control.  I have a peace that "passeth all understanding"  in knowing He has every detail of my life in His hands. 

Whatever God has planned for me, I'm game.  I just want to know what it is. 

Wow, God just spoke to my heart as I wrote that last sentence.

He said, "Do you really want to know all I have planned for you?"

And my heart said, "No." 

Do I really want to know the course my life will take?  The heartaches that are inevitable?  The very moments I will be amazed by my Creator's love for me? 

No.  I don't.

So,  I will wait [with expectation] upon the Lord.  He is God and I am Not. 

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!