I really wonder about myself sometimes. Actually, I'm writing this post hoping that my counseling background will offer me a little self-help action.
We are leaving for Ouray, Colorado tomorrow morning. I started counting down the days about three weeks ago. We haven't been on an extended road trip in over a year, actually a year and five months (but who's counting). I have wished each morning for the last week that we were leaving that very day. I have made reservations for the dogs and the humans. Saturday, I stated in a very matter-of-fact tone, "We should just leave on Monday. I'm sure we could extend the reservations one more day." I was chomping at the bit, wishing away the hours, and praying that nothing would happen to ruin our trip. (Don't laugh, Luke ate a WHOLE BOTTLE of Leia's pain medicine last October which force us to cancel our trip.)
And here I am tonight. My heart is racing. I have lists, and lists, and lists running through my head of things I need to pack and do before we leave. The thought actually flashed through my mind that it would just be easier to stay home! WHAT?!?!
What is the matter with my psyche? I should be as giddy as a school girl on the last day of school, but I'm so overwhelmed I'm almost paralyzed!
Deep breath.
Okay, another deep breath.
And another.
It will be fine. If I forget something really important (like hairspray) we can always stop and get it. It wouldn't be the end of the world. Really. Everything is good. It will be fine.
Hey, guess what? In about 14 more hours and we will be on the road! Yippee!
With Funyons!
Have fun!
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