Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And One V-e-r-y Tired Me

(Sing to the tune of "Twelve Days of Christmas")

After a Thanksgiving trip to Oklahoma,
These true things happened,really...

12 times of saying, "This tastes so good."
11 hugs (at least) from relatives
10 hours sitting around the dining room table, visiting
9 times laughing at Morgan's dog for barking at her reflection
7 meals a day
6 restless sleep nights (not my own bed)
5 Patti's Special BBQ sandwiches
4 hours of sleep in Wichita, Kansas
3 days of Troy being sick
2 minutes of fire alarm in a hotel in Salina, Kansas
1 V-e-r-y tired Me

Friday, November 4, 2011

That Time of the Year

I have been a little "blog quiet" lately. Just not inspired, I guess.

I almost wrote about snow the other day, but couldn't put into words what snow does to my senses. I feel this rush of anticipation before it snows and then as it's snowing, I feel very mellow. Once there's a nice layer of snow covering everything in sight, I just feel this exhilaration that I can't describe. I don't necessarily want to go outside and play in it, but I do love looking at it through the windows. Yes, I open every blind in the house when it snows. (Not so great on the gas bill, but good for my emotional state.) One of my favorite television characters ever is Lorelei Gilmore on the "Gilmore Girls". She said on several occasions that the first snowfall of the year was magical. I concur! She also said in one episode, "I smell snow!" Well, I can't smell it, but I FEEL it. Like some inner energy that vibrates erratically before a snowfall.

Well, now I've written that post about snow. I'll post another day about why this feeling snow gives me is essentially important during this time of the year.